Full Service Trade Show Marketing & Expo Management
Our clients succeed in a highly competitive market by outsourcing key components of their marketing programs coupled with reliance upon seasoned professionals to provide expo logistic management support.
Outsourcing allows their staff to focus on core membership & customer services in concert with fulfilling an overall mission.
EPP possesses special skills for increasing exhibit / advertising revenues and for maximizing trade show attendee promotion.
EPP fills the aisles with buyers / exhibition attendees, improves membership retention, enlists new members and creates a wait list for your next Expo.
- Trade Show Marketing - Customized marketing plan and promotional strategy
- Builds Out a 360-Degree Show
- Builds Out Successful Mobile and Social Media Campaigns
- Plans and Executes Hosted Buyer Events
- Incorporates Video
- Improves Exhibitor ROI
- Design, branding, program content
- Trade Show Marketing - Artwork for print, signage, web site
- Print production
- Prospect list development (attendees, sponsors, exhibitors)
- Mail house & fulfillment oversight
- Promotional text
- Intense / customized tele/internet/fax/postal, personal interaction marketing campaigns
- Direct mail, Advertising, Media placement
- Cross-over expo marketing at related EPP client events
- Trade Media Promotional Barters; Incentives for Referral of Exhibit Sales Leads
- Exhibit hall passes
- Program and Exhibitor Directory
- Innovative Door Prizes
- Expo Show Promotions - Conference Program / Exhibitor Directory / Journal Advertising Sales
- Audience Promotion
- Decades of database maintenance of potential exhibitors / sponsors
- Association member referrals
- Recruit corporate members
- Partners in promotion
- Exhibitor Training
- Combined Book Display / Film Festivals / Communal Literature Display
- Instant access to EPP staff
- Supervision of all Facility and Vendor trade show services and staff
- Venue Sourcing and Expo Hotel Negotiations
- Security monitoring and instruction
- Expo Hall and meeting room layout, room set, signage, and A/V
- Food and Beverage / Catering
- Mobile communication devices
- Expo Logistics Management - Supervise client freight delivery
- Overnight conference services staffing for: onsite training, tote bag preparation and distribution, directional assistance personnel, room monitors, badge checkers and ticket takers
- Attend pre / post con meetings
- Utilize and familiar with modern technology
- Process Paperwork
- Exhibit space assignments
- Prepare expo rules and regulations
- Interaction prior to / onsite with service providers
- Coordinate exhibitor demonstrations, prize drawings, career fairs, silent auctions, member / author receptions, Cyber Café, Exhibitor lounge
- "Glad handing"
- Prepare and circulate "early bird" invitation
Your event is a vehicle for image enhancement. EPP improves membership retention plus attracts new attendees to your conference and members to your association.
EPP offers over four decades of legal expertise in negotiating / crafting hotel contracts plus an unblemished track record of NO attrition damages imposed upon a client. Building a solid legal and substantive foundation within a hotel/convention center contract is an essential element to the success of an event.EPP is a licensed travel agency (IATA #21-7 7723 2) and an independent meeting service that has nurtured long-term and unmatched professional relationships with representatives of destinations, major hotel chains, & meeting facilities. EPP...
- Monitors new hotel construction, pre-opening offers and related cost-saving opportunities that become a financial asset in planning your event.
- Conducts site research and inspections based upon a detailed analysis of group history, preferences and requirements to insure you stay within your budget.
- Earns the respect of hoteliers by viewing them as business partners and not as adversaries.
- Tailors a Request for Proposal (RFP) to insure that the VALUE of YOUR BUSINESS is showcased among competing hotels.
- Possesses economic leverage based upon an enormous volume of room bookings.
- Achieves favorable and equitable contractual terms / concessions consistent with a hotel earning a fair profit.
- Oversees room block inventory.
- Reviews the final bill.
- Rebates a portion of earned hotel room commission payable by a hotel for your investment in membership services and in producing a future event.
"Thank goodness my Presidency is about to end! I just want to thank you (big time) for everything you have done for ESS. Your advice and ability to help us out of a sticky situation (with a hotel encountering labor unrest) has made me a fan as you continue to make the ESS a stronger organization."
~ Rosanna Hertz, President, ESS
Many meeting planning services are provided FREE since EPP's remuneration is based primarily upon earned sales commissions.We are completely familiar with multifaceted support needed for staging an event. We recognize that the scope of this effort includes technical, logistical, legal, and procedural issues, in addition to quality, timeliness, and efficiency.
EPP acts as a guide and facilitator in implementing and troubleshooting each element of the conference planning and management process. Written / oral reports on the progress of work performed are provided at agreed upon intervals for the below services.
Advance Planning, Logistical Support and Customer Relations
- EPP will review the meeting and hotel history, and discuss project requirements, objectives, authority, work in progress, program format and content (education, business and social), exhibition, registration, logistics, promotions, audiences, speakers, sponsors, timelines, policies and guidelines, and delineation of responsibilities and resources for this project.
- Establish and maintain planning and promotional action plans and deadlines.
- Establish protocol for interaction with your staff, sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, registrants and press.
- Develop budget plus monitor / adjust income and expense projections.
- Establish AP / AR and financial reporting procedures.
- Identify ADA and security needs; establish risk management protocol.
- Schedule calendar of monthly (local) staff planning meetings and / or conference calls.
- Review hotel space allocation, and assign meeting and catering space as dictated by program and estimated attendance.
- Assign office space, speaker ready room, registration and exhibit area, and press / media room; order appropriate equipment and supplies.
- Monitor hotel room pickup, room release at cut-off date, cancellations, no-shows; audit housing on-site and after conference.
- Design theme and menus for catering events and negotiate prices (hotel and off-site.)
- Select and coordinate entertainment.
- Consult on registration framework and methodology, payments; badging; registration lists; reports; personnel.
- Oversee processing, confirming, and reporting of registrations, payments, deposits, refunds and cancellations; safekeeping of on-site registration payments.
- Monitor preparation of registration lists and badges, and assembling of registration packets.
- Brief registration personnel and supervise on-site operations.
Program Content and Format>
- Facilitate program planning committee meetings and conference calls; follow-up on action items.
- Assist committee with development of conference theme, format, educational and business content, and social programs.
- Develop abstract submission and review protocols.
- Acknowledge receipt of abstracts and provide status to authors.
- Compile and tabulate abstract submissions (based on Call for Papers solicitation) for review by committee.
- Review a prior year conference evaluations in order to provide committee and / or your staff with insight and suggestions for potential topics or speakers.
- Assist committee and / or your staff with selection of topics, tracks, speakers, session schedule, moderators, poster presentations, keynote speakers, and learning objectives.
- Consult with your staff and conference team on meeting logistics, exhibits schedule, social activities, ancillary meeting schedule, any pre- or post-conference symposia or courses, and continuing education requirements.
- Facilitate Award Presentations.
Speaker Liaison
- Prepare and mail speaker (and moderator) confirmation packet including cover letter, registration procedures and fee, travel and hotel information, reimbursement policy, oral and poster presentation guidelines, CME / CEU disclosure form, and deadlines for submission of AV requirements, CVs, electronically-formatted presentations, and hand-outs.
- Prepare and mail abstract rejection letters.
- Invite and / or confirm keynote speakers.
- Confirm participation by co-sponsoring organizations, if applicable, including co-sponsors.
Continuing Education Administration (CME, CEU, contact hours)
- Prepare and submit application materials to accrediting organizations.
- Oversee collection of speaker disclosure forms, session evaluations, attendance verifications.
- Prepare post-conference documentations for attendees and accrediting organizations.
Promotional and Conference Materials
- Establish timeline and deadlines for elements of direct-mail and Web-based promotions: abstract submissions, registration form, photographs, exhibitor listing, sponsor acknowledgment, ancillary meetings, education and social program, function room assignments, travel and hotel information, policies and pricing, etc.
- Coordinate the design, writing, proofing, editing, production and mailing of promotions (Call for Papers, Preliminary Program, Final Program, advertisements, press releases, newsletter articles, Web updates, Proceedings.)
- Obtain calendar of events, visitors guide, photographs, from Convention and Visitors Bureau for promotional mailings and registration desk.
- Assist in the preparation of general / plenary session introductions and timetables, general announcements, and banquet or awards program scripts.
- Collect speaker presentations and CVs; assemble items in print-ready or CD-Rom format; photocopy, deliver and distribute speaker collateral on-site.
- Oversee preparation, delivery and distribution of registration materials: attendee list, conference name badges, tote bag or other give-aways.
- Prepare, photocopy and distribute conference evaluation form; tabulate results.
Web-site Development and Communications
We combine strategic planning and a powerful marketing campaign within a creatively designed, highly proficient web-site. Our conference web design and maintenance includes the following services:
- Web hosting (with Domain registration)
- Banners Ads (promoting event, exhibitors, entertainment, etc.)
- Posting and downloading of conference information
- Exhibit List (links to exhibitors, which promote web traffic)
- Registration form design
- On-line registration
- Real-time confirmation from the time your web-site goes live until the end of your event
- Real-time secure financial processing and tracking
- Immediate e-mail confirmations
- Download of conference attendees (for badges, lists, etc.)
- Capacity control for sessions and other limited attendance functions
- Other custom on-line services that may be required
Financial Monitoring and Reporting
- Expedite deposits to hotel and vendors, if required.
- Assist in developing conference master budget and sub-budgets with your staff; monitor and adjust income and expense projections.
- Establish AP / AR and financial reporting procedures.
- Review and reconcile conference-related invoices; submit invoices for payment of hotel master account, AV-related fees, vendor invoices, staff and speakers.
If everyone was as pleasant and efficient as you are, conference panning would be a breeze. Thanks for the quick response.